J.C. Selinger, J.L. Hicks, R.W. Jackson, C.M. Wall-Scheffler, D. Chang, and S.L. Delp. Running in the wild: Energetics explain ecological running speeds. Current Biology, 32, 2022.
M. J. McAllister, R. L. Blair, J. M. Donelan, and J.C. Selinger. Energy Optimization During Walking Involves Implicit Processing. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224 (17): jeb242655, 2021.
S.N. Simha, J.D. Wong, J.C. Selinger, S.J. Abram, and J.M. Donelan. Increasing the gradient of energetic cost does not initiate adaptation in human walking. Journal of Neurophysiology, 126(2): 440-450, 2021.
J.C. Selinger, J.D. Wong, S.N. Simha, and J.M. Donelan. How Humans Initiate Energy Optimization and Converge on Their Optimal Gaits. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222, jeb198234, 2019.
C. S. Simpson, C. G. Welker, S.D. Uhlrich, R.W. Jackson, S.L. Delp, S.H. Collins, J.C. Selinger*, E. Hawkes*. Connecting the legs with a spring improves human running economy. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222: jeb202895, 2019. *denotes equal contribution
S.N. Simha, J.C. Selinger, and J.M. Donelan. A Mechatronic System for Studying Energy Optimization. Dynamic Walking. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 27: 1416-1425, 2019.
S.J. Abram, J.C. Selinger, and J.M. Donelan. Energy Optimization is a Major Objective in the Real-Time Control of Step Width in Human Walking. Journal of Biomechanics, 91: 85-91, 2019.
J.D. Wong, J.C. Selinger, and J.M. Donelan. Is natural variability in gait sufficient to initiate spontaneous energy optimization in human walking? Journal of Neurophysiology 121(5):1848-1855, 2019.
J.D. Wong, O’Connor, J.C. Selinger and J.M. Donelan. Contribution of blood oxygen and carbon dioxide sensing to the energetic optimization of human walking. Journal of Neurophysiology 118(2):1425-1433, 2017.
J.C. Selinger and J.M. Donelan. Myoelectric Control for Adaptable Biomechanical Energy Harvesting. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24(3): 364-373, 2016.
J.C. Selinger, S.M. O’Connor, J.D. Wong, and J.M. Donelan. Humans Can Continuously Optimize Energetic Cost during Walking. Current Biology 25: 2452-2456, 2015.
W. Felt, J.C. Selinger, J.M. Donelan and C.D. Remy. ‘Body-in-the-Loop’: Optimizing Device Parameters Using Measures of Instantaneous Energetic Cost. PLoS ONE 10(8), 2015.
J.C. Selinger and J.M. Donelan. Estimating instantaneous energetic cost during non-steady state gait. Journal of Applied Physiology 117(11): 1406-1415, 2014.